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just saying

I just saw my former crush earlier as I was walking at the AS parking lot going to the engineering building. He saw me, I saw him and deadma. We both turned away and I was relieved by that. It is okay for me that we ignore each other than say 'Hi' as if we're friends where i…

If you could only listen to one song for the next month, which would it be?

And I know that it's wrong to want something so false and so fake it's not that I want to fix you I just want to get my way Cause you're the one that I put on a pedestal the one who keeps coming back to me the one that I gave my whole heart to the one who makes me believe …

my kpop music story

I've been officially listening to kpop music for almost a year now. My friend Nisseth has exposed me to it and she has helped me change my notions about kpop. If you didn't know, I was despising that music before. For me, it was just as bad as Filipino novelty songs void with me…