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Mario Maurer on The Buzz

This blog should thank Mario Maurer. Why? After I posted about him and his movie, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, pageviews went high exponentially. I am totally convinced, my stat proves it, that Maurer is a star that could draw thousands and thousands of people.  Girls, gays or may…

I spent tears because of you, Cha Tae-hyun!!

First, with your  'My Sassy Girl' movie. Second, with  'Hello Ghost' . And now, your 'Babo' film! I'm expecting puffy eyes later. Thank goodness, my roommates weren't around earlier as I watched it because I also sobbed. Yeah! With all those audible &…

love for black dresses

There are things that you love that you are not aware of. Until someone points it out to you or you realize it later on. A friend of mine who also used to be my roommate last year, asked me what was my favorite shape. I was taken aback about it because that was something I missed to…