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another kpop post

INFINITE will always be my no. 1 kpop group. I'm loving them more and more each time I watch their performances. For me, they are simply the best among the rest. But that doesn't mean that I can't appreciate other groups' works. Here, I'm sharing to you the top 5 …

I did something to my hair

When I was in high school, a classmate asked me if I relaxed my hair. That was the time when hair relaxing was a trend in our place. Flattered, because it was natural, I said no to her. From the expression on her face, it showed that she didn't buy it. Whether she believed me or not,…

Books I Read Last 2011

I didn't meet my goal to surpass the number of books I read last 2010 in 2011. I was eying to read at least 18 because in 2010, I managed to finish 17. But due to my idle behavior, I only had 10. Shame on me, right? If Ms. Jessica Zafra would find this, she would really smirk at me b…

Chocolates from New Zealand

It's always been chocolates that they give whenever people from foreign lands come home. Always. Ever since I was a kid, those are the things that we receive when relatives, family friends and neighbors arrive from any parts of the world. I'm not so fond of chocolates, I'd r…

Happy New Year amazing people! :D I hope your 2011 had been meaningful, exciting and rich with unforgettable experiences and life-changing lessons. Another year has come and I am filled with different emotions. I am excited to do things that I have never done before. I am also appreh…