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NAIA Terminal 3 1:20 AM I've been sitting on the floor for over an hour already. I can't find an unoccupied seat because there are just too many people. I overheard two women talking. The younger one said that her flight was supposed to be yesterday at 10 am and it…

Kpop Saturday #1: BTOB's Thriller

If people on Instagram has this concept of Throwback Thursday (#tbt) wherein they post past pictures every Thursday, I am starting my own series here called Kpop Saturday. Simple, I’m going to share to you one Korean pop music video a week on that said day. That’s the kind of series that…

when you have a friend who is a fanboy

Hi there everyone, I received a wonderful present from a guy friend last Sunday. He is a chinggu (Korean word for friend) who is also into Kpop. I tell you, he is straight. We actually bash each other’s favorites but that is just a joke, maybe half meant.hehe. He likes IU, Girls' Gen…