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Hindi lahat ng mga jokes ay okay lang

Mag-aapat na taon na akong may account sa facebook pero unang beses ko pa lang kagabi na mag-post ng hindi kaaya-ayang status dahil sa galit. Kaunting push na lang galing sa kanila at kakalimutan kong mabait ako. Grabe ang iyak ko sa cr ng dorm namin, pati na rin sa kuwarto ko. Sabihin n…

Create an account on Goodreads, book lovers! :)

What kind of website is Goodreads ? It is the place on the Internet where you can create a list of the books you read, wanted, hated and anything you like to associate that book with. It is the place where you could rate a novel, 1 star if it's not worth-reading or 5 stars if y…

BB Cream Update: Now Using Missha

I got a new BB cream. I'm using it for a week now.  It's Missha M Perfect Cover! It is so expensive because for only 20mL, it costs P799.00.  Look how small it is. Last December, I went to Trinoma to buy a new BB cream. I was actually wanting to buy from The Face Sh…

Please be good to me, 2013

The year 2012 had been extra good to me. I bade farewell to it with a smile. Now that another year has come, I’m hoping that this would be the best year ever in my life. There are two major things that I wanted to happen this year: 1.) to graduate this April and 2.) to top (yes, mapanga…

The 4th Philippine KPOP Convention

I love Kpop. People who know me in real life know that single fact. Even the ones who follow this blog a long time now (if there is really one other than my close friends) have been given the idea that one of the sources of my happiness is Kpop. Yeah, that seems shallow but I will alway…